
Zoning is the regulatory tool that allows a local government to control what type of uses are allowed in different areas, or zones, and how structures are built in each zone. The Los Lunas Zoning Code regulates permissible uses, minimum lot size, maximum building height, setback standards, parking and standards, and provides guidelines for non-conforming situations. It also designates the process for zone changes, conditional and designated use permits, zone variances, and appeals.

Did you know?

In each zone, some uses may be allowed outright, others may be allowed if they are accessory to the primary use, and others still may be allowed with additional permit approvals. The Table of Permissible Uses, found in Chapter 17.40 of the Los Lunas Zoning Code, will note how each use applies to your zone.

Permissible Uses : Allowed outright

Conditional Uses : Allowed, if a conditional use permit is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission

Designated Uses : Allowed, if a designated use permit is approved by the Village Council

Accessory Uses : Allowed, but only secondary to a primary use.

Don’t know what zone you are in? Visit our Community Map, where you can enter your address and view the zoning for your property.


Zone changes, special use zone amendments, conditional use permits, designated use permits, zone variances, and amendments to certain area plans all require an application and a public hearing. Contact the Planning Division if you have questions about applying for a public hearing process, and visit our Forms and Applications page if you are ready to get started on your application.