A Domestic Profit Corporation is a more complex business structure. As a chartered legal entity, a corporation has certain rights, privileges, and liabilities beyond those of an individual. Doing business as a corporation may yield tax or financial benefits, but these can be offset by other considerations, such as increased licensing fees or decreased personal control. A Domestic Profit Corporation that is organized and chartered under the laws of a state and is considered domestic by the chartering state.
You are always encouraged to consult an attorney to ensure appropriate consideration of all the legal implications of your choice of entity and filing. We stress that this filing website is not intended to substitute nor replace the advice of legal counsel.
You may register a Domestic Profit Corporation online or within our office via in person, by mail, or fax. The online process is quick and easy and the business entity will be registered within 24 hours.
If you wish to register your Domestic Profit Corporation by form then you may do so by filling out the Application . The Application has instructions to assist you with filling out the form.
You may wish to create your own Articles of Incorporation. You also may wish to use the information pamphlet or guide sheet .
The division processes regular (non-expedited) work in the order it was received, and processing times may vary based upon the volume of items the division receives. Paper documents are reviewed by division staff to ensure compliance with Utah law. For information on the division's current approximate processing times, please check our processing times or contact our help center.
How do I renew a Domestic Profit Corporation?A Corporation renews every year. You may renew a Domestic Profit Corporation online . You will need to have the entity number and Renewal ID in order to renew online. If you do not have those items, you may contact our office.
How do I make changes to or update a Domestic Profit Corporation?You may make changes to or update a Domestic Profit Corporation online. The changes that you make will be updated within 1-2 business days. You will need your Access ID and entity number. If you do not have those items, you may contact our office. You may also obtain the Access ID on the website, you will just need to provide a valid email address.
How do I amend/merge/convert a Domestic Profit Corporation?You can amend a Domestic Profit Corporation by completing the Articles of Amendment or using the guide sheet to create your Articles of Amendment.
You can merge a Domestic Profit Corporation by completing the Statement/Articles of Merger or creating your own Articles of Merger.
You can convert a Domestic Profit Corporation by by completing the Articles/Statement of Conversion or creating your own Articles of Conversion. You will also need to file along with the Articles of Conversion, the Application or Articles for the entity type you are converting into.
How do I cancel/dissolve a Domestic Profit Corporation?You can cancel/dissolve a Domestic Profit Corporation by completing the Articles of Dissolution. There are 2 forms, one for corporations with shares and one for corporations without shares. You will need to pick the one that best suits your corporation. The Articles of Dissolution for Corporations with shares can be found by clicking here . The Articles of Dissolution for Corporations without shares can be found by clicking here .
How do I obtain copies/certificates of a Domestic Profit Corporation?You can obtain copies/certificates of a Domestic Profit Corporation by doing a Business Registration Search , then finding the entity you are looking for, then you click on the details of that entity.
While you are looking at the details of that entity, at the bottom of the screen you have 3 options: Search for Images is the 1st option. You will need to click that button in order to search for any scanned images of that entity. The images will be emailed to an email account.
While you are in the details page of the business entity, you have the 2nd option of ordering a certificate of existence by clicking on the Purchase Certificate of Existence Button.
If you don't wish to order the images online, then you will need to order them inhouse which can be done in person, in writing or by fax. If you make a written request you may use our order form . Written requests for copies/certificates may take up to 7 business days. You may view more information concerning ordering documents.
How do I find out who the principals are of a Domestic Profit Corporation?You can find out who the principals are of a Domestic Profit Corporation by doing a Business Registration Search , then finding the entity you are looking for, then you click on the details of that entity.
While you are looking at the details of that entity, at the bottom of the screen you have 3 options: Access Principal Information is the 3rd option. You will need to click that button in order to view the principals of that entity.
You may also do a Registered Principal Search . If you don't want to view the principals via the website, then you may contact our office for that information.
How do I know if the name is available for a Domestic Profit Corporation?You can find out if the name you want to use for a Domestic Profit Corporation is available by doing a business name availability search . You may also contact our office to verify that the name you want to use is available.
You may also conduct a business registration search to see if there are other business entities that are already registered that may have a name similar to the name that you wish to use.
Please note that although a name may appear to be available nothing is final until the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code approves the business filing.
How do I reinstate an expired Domestic Profit Corporation?You may reinstate an expired Domestic Profit Corporation by filing with our office the Application for Reinstatement . If you have any changes to make you will also need the Registration Information Change Form filled out with current information of the business entity. There is a guide sheet available with the application to walk you through the steps of the reinstatement process.
How to fix the delinquent/expired status on a Domestic Profit Corporation?You can fix the delinquent status on a Domestic Profit Corporation by renewing online. You will need to have the entity number and Renewal ID in order to renew online. If you do not have those items, you may contact our office.
You can fix the expired status on a Domestic Profit Corporation by reinstating the business entity within 2 years of the dissolution date. If you are past 2 years from the date that the Division of Corporations has dissolved the entity, you need to start over by filing Articles of Incorporation.