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Agency for Persons with Disabilities

For assistance, call 1-866-APD-CARES (1-866-273-2273) or visit

What is the purpose of the agency?

What activities are performed by the department?

Who is eligible to receive services?

The agency serves Floridians with developmental disabilities as defined in Ch. 393, Florida Statutes. This includes individuals with the following disabilities.

What services are provided?

The Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) works with local communities and private providers to support people who have developmental disabilities and their families in living, learning, and working in their communities; provides assistance in identifying the service needs of people with developmental disabilities; and educates the public on disability issues while focusing attention on employment for people with disabilities.

How do people apply for services?

People who have or might have a developmental disability may apply for services by completing an application for services (available on the agency's website in English , Spanish, and Haitian Creole) and hand delivering or mailing the application to the agency's local area office where the applicant lives.

What limits apply to program services?

The iBudget system allows the state to receive federal Medicaid matching payments for services provided to developmentally disabled persons in the community. Because there are not enough home and community-based services waiver slots to serve all eligible persons, the agency maintains a waitlist of individuals who have requested services. The agency reported that, as of June 30, 2022, there were 22,578 individuals on the iBudget waitlist, and that 1,552 individuals had been moved from the waitlist to the iBudget waiver. Between 2017 and 2022, the average number of agency clients on the waiting list is about 22,000. The current trend indicates that the number of clients on the waiting list has slightly declined the past three years.

How does the agency track performance?

The agency tracks key performance measures in its Long Range Program Plan . In Fiscal Year 2021-22, the agency reported that 88.8% of people receiving services met key health, safety, and quality of life measures, a slight decrease from the previous fiscal year (89.4%) and below the approved standard of 92%. The agency also reported serving 4,476 clients via supported living, a decrease from the previous fiscal year (4,684). However, the number of clients supported exceeded the agency's approved standard of serving 4,000 individuals. In addition, the agency reported that 53% of clients were employed in integrated settings, an increase from the previous fiscal year (45%). The clients employed in integrated settings exceeded the approved standard of 30%.