Annual Review of Graduate Student Progress

The Graduate School requires all master’s, educational specialists, and doctoral students to submit an annual report of academic progress. At a minimum, graduate students should report on their academic progress, completion of required forms, awards and honors, conferences, presentations, publications, service activities, creative activities, funding activities, employment, and job placement. Academic program faculty or administrators may require additional indicators of performance or achievement to accommodate the needs of their programs.

Note: The Graduate School currently only coordinates annual reviews for PhD students and graduate assistantships in myVITA. Academic programs are responsible for coordinating annual reviews of master’s, educational specialists, and other doctoral students.

2024 Annual Review Process for PhD Students

The Graduate School coordinates annual review process for all Ph.D. students through myVITA. myVITA is an online reporting system that captures activities related to research, teaching, service, scholarship, and creative works in one place. It is the same system used by faculty for annual reviews.

The timeline for 2023-24 annual reviews is as follows:

Information on training sessions coming soon.


If you have any questions regarding the annual review process or myVITA, please email

 University of Missouri Graduate School