Environmental & Pollution Liability Insurance

Any business that works with potentially toxic or harmful chemicals, substances, or by-products needs protection against incidents of harm to the environment and individuals.

Written by Christine Lacagnina

Written by Christine Lacagnina

Christine Lacagnina has written thousands of insurance-based articles for TrustedChoice.com by authoring consumable, understandable content.

Reviewed by Cara Carlone

Cara Carlone is a licensed P&C agent with 20 years of experience. She has her P&C license in RI and TX and holds CPCU, API, and AINS designations.

Updated августа 29, 2024

Environmental scientist with a flask takes a sample of water at the site of industrial discharge of water. Find Environmental & Pollution Liability Insurance.

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Environmental liability insurance was first made available in the 1970s in response to the government cracking down on companies that were polluting the ground and air with hazardous waste. For the first time, corporations were being forced to clean up their damages, and the costs were astronomical. Today, companies are more careful about how they store and dispose of toxic waste, but accidents and polluting disasters still happen. Environmental and pollution liability insurance can help your business recover from any financial ramifications related to these incidents.

A local independent insurance agent can help you get equipped with the right environmental and pollution liability insurance. They'll consider your unique business's risks and find the ideal amount of coverage. Until then, here's a closer look at environmental and pollution liability insurance, what it covers, and more.

What Is Environmental & Pollution Liability Insurance?

Environmental liability insurance, also sometimes called pollution liability insurance or simply "pollution insurance," is an insurance policy created specifically for companies and contractors who engage in jobs or production that have toxic by-products.

This hazardous waste is carefully contained but sometimes seeps through containment vessels and pollutes the groundwater, air, or vegetation surrounding it. When this happens, companies can be fined and ordered to clean up the mess, which can also be costly. Environmental and pollution liability insurance can cover many associated costs with these incidents.

Environmental and pollution liability coverage used to be included in most business insurance policies but that changed in the 1970s with the emergence of many expensive asbestos claims. Now, this coverage is largely excluded and must be purchased separately.

Pollution claims are not limited to large manufacturers and can be filed by state and local governments, other businesses, landlords, and third parties who live near your business.

Environmental and pollution liability insurance can help reimburse businesses for many types of damage caused by pollution, including to the environment, other properties, and people. This coverage can pay for medical treatments for injured or ill individuals who were affected by the pollution, as well as for defense and settlement costs in a lawsuit if your business gets sued for the incident. Having this coverage can help your business avoid hefty financial losses and even bankruptcy.

Who Needs Environmental & Pollution Liability Insurance?

Environmental and pollution liability insurance was created because related liability claims were bankrupting companies, which meant victims were not properly compensated. These policies cover small-scale pollution that causes contamination of soil, groundwater, or property.

They also provide coverage for air-borne contaminants like smoke and emissions. Many policies also cover pollution that occurred in the past, before the harmful effects of waste products were known.

If your business works with hazardous materials that could be harmful to the public, environment, or third-party property, it might need environmental and pollution liability insurance. Some common examples of businesses and professionals that often need this coverage include:

Any business that uses environmentally unsafe chemicals runs the risk of a pollution lawsuit. Even contractors who construct buildings need pollution insurance if their work can affect long-term air or environmental quality. A specialized form of pollution insurance called contractors pollution liability insurance can meet the needs of the construction industry.

If you're unsure of whether your business needs environmental and pollution liability insurance, work together with a local independent insurance agent. They'll ensure your business gets equipped with all the necessary protection.

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The Most Common Air Pollutants in the U.S.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency monitors the air for pollutant levels. Currently, the top six most common and heavily-monitored air pollutants include the following:

  1. Carbon monoxide: Levels of carbon monoxide in the air have dropped about 73% since 1990 and about 15% since 2000.
  2. Lead: Levels of lead in the air have dropped about 99% since 1980.
  3. Ground-level ozone: In recent years, ground-level ozone pollutants have dropped about 50% globally and 15% in the U.S.
  4. Particulate matter: Levels of various types of particulate matter in the air have dropped 26%, 41%, and 30% since 1990.
  5. Nitrogen dioxide: Levels of nitrogen dioxide in the air have dropped 61% since 1990.
  6. Sulfur dioxide: Levels of sulfur dioxide in the air have dropped 91% since 1990.

The American Lung Society credits the Clean Air Act with the decline in air pollutants. In one recent year, it was reported that the act prevents about 370,000 premature deaths annually.

If your company is required to make major changes or perform a pollution clean-up to remain compliant with changes to the law, environmental and pollution insurance coverage can assist you with associated costs.

Why Do I Need Environmental & Pollution Liability Insurance?

Environmental and pollution liability insurance can help your business financially recover after incidents of polluting the environment or causing harm to third parties and their property. This coverage can help protect your business against claims related to the following:

If your business is at risk of any of these types of claims, it can likely benefit from having an environmental and pollution liability insurance policy.

What Does Environmental & Pollution Liability Insurance Cover?

Environmental and pollution liability insurance can protect your business in several ways. These policies can provide reimbursement for the following: