Emergency procedures

Workplaces need a plan for emergencies that can have a wider impact. Special procedures are needed for emergencies such as serious injuries, explosion, flood, poisoning, electrocution, fire, release of radioactivity and chemical spills.

Quick and effective action may help to ease the situation and reduce the consequences. However, in emergencies people are more likely to respond reliably if they:

Write an emergency plan if a major incident at your workplace could involve risks to the public, rescuing employees or
co-ordinating emergency services.

Where you share your workplace with another employer you should consider whether your emergency plans and procedures should be co-ordinated.

Points to include in emergency procedures

The law

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 cover emergencies.

The Dangerous Substances (Notification and Marking of Sites) Regulations 1990 cover sites where at least 25 tonnes of dangerous substances are held.