Prescription coverage is included on most plans, so there's no need to pay for a separate drug plan. Use our online tool to see if your current medications are on our list of covered drugs:
Important Message About What You Pay for Insulin and Vaccines - The Inflation Reduction Act signed by President Biden in 2022 includes $0 cost shares for covered insulin and vaccines on Premera’s Medicare Advantage plans
If your drug is not included in the formulary, call customer service at 888-850-8526 (TTY/TDD: 711) Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., (or 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., October 1 to March 31), and ask if your drug is covered.
If you learn that Premera Blue Cross Medicare Advantage plans do not cover your drug, you can:
There are several types of formulary exceptions that you can ask us to make:
For more information on how to request an exception, please see Part D Coverage Determinations, Exceptions, Appeals, and Grievances.
Generally, if you are taking a drug on our formulary that was covered at the beginning of the year, we will not discontinue or reduce coverage of the drug during the coverage year, with these exceptions:
Changes to the drug list that will affect members currently taking a drug:
As a new or continuing member, you may be taking drugs that are not on our formulary (which is the list of drugs covered on your plan), or you may be taking a drug that is on our formulary but your ability to get it is limited. For example, you may need prior authorization from us before you can fill your prescription. You should talk to your doctor to decide if you should switch to an alternative drug that we cover or request a formulary exception. If a formulary exception request is approved, we will cover the drug you take, even though it is not on the formulary.
While you talk to your doctor to determine the right course of action for you, we may cover your drug in certain cases during the first 90 days you are a member of our plan. This is called a transition supply of drugs. Here’s how a transition supply is provided to you for each of your drugs not on our formulary or for your covered drugs that are available only with limits, such as prior authorization:
View our transition policy:
2024: After the total combined plan and member drug cost equals $5,030, the coverage gap starts. During this stage, you will pay 25% of the price for brand name drugs (plus a portion of the dispensing fee) and 25% of the price for generic drugs until your total out-of-pocket costs reach $8,000.
2024: After your yearly out-of-pocket drug costs (including drugs purchased through your retail pharmacy and through mail order) reach $8,000, your cost for covered drugs will be $0.
Coverage level shown does not reflect standard pharmacy cost shares or mail-order pharmacy cost shares. Please refer to the 2024 Summary of Benefits (.pdf) for additional coverage details.
Your plan may require you to try an effective but more affordable drug to treat your condition before covering a more expensive drug. For more information, refer to Premera's Step Therapy Criteria.
For some covered drugs, you will need to get approval from the plan before you fill your prescriptions. Without approval, your drug may not be covered. For more information, refer to Premera's Prior Authorization Criteria (.pdf).
If you don’t enroll in Medicare Part D when you’re first eligible and there’s a continuous period of 63 days or more—and you don’t have creditable coverage through an employer-provided plan—you may have to pay a penalty. For each month you delay, you may pay an additional 1% of the average premium per month in addition to your regular plan premium as long as you are enrolled in a Part D plan. View the Creditable Coverage and Late Enrollment Penalty page on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website.
The government subsidizes prescription drug costs for members with limited incomes. People with limited incomes may qualify for Extra Help to pay for their prescription drug costs. If eligible, Medicare could pay for up to 100% of drug costs including monthly prescription drug premiums, annual deductibles, and coinsurance. Additionally, those who qualify will not be subject to the coverage gap or a late enrollment penalty. Many people are eligible for these savings and don't know it.
For more information about this extra help, review the Low Income subsidy (LIS) Premium Summary Table, contact your local Social Security office, or call 800-MEDICARE (800-633-4227), 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. TTY/TTD users should call 877-486-2048 (TTY/TDD: 711).
CMS created the Best Available Evidence (BAE) policy in 2006. This policy requires sponsors to establish the appropriate cost sharing for low-income beneficiaries when presented with evidence that the beneficiary's information is not accurate in CMS's systems. View the CMS Best Available Evidence Policy Information on the CMS website.
The pharmacy network for Premera Blue Cross Medicare Advantage (HMO), Classic (HMO), Total Health (HMO), includes pharmacies that offer standard cost sharing and pharmacies that offer preferred cost sharing. Members of these plans may go to either type of network pharmacy to receive covered prescription drugs. Your cost sharing may be less at pharmacies with preferred cost sharing.